Wednesday, February 15, 2006


...from San Cristobal de las Casas.

We´re currently about 2100m above sea level - when it´s sunny it´s roasting, but once the sun disappears over the Mexican hills the temperature drops dramatically.

Anyone who was jealous of my trip to sunnier climes will be pleased to hear that so far we´ve had fog, rain, gales (ok - a strong sea breeze) and I had a near frost-bitten nose this morning, but that´s more to do with the altitude here than inclement weather.

I arrived in Merida on Saturday night in a typically jet-lagged state (not helped by the 6th form Valentines bash which raged on all night at the Gatwick hotel I´d hoped would provide a nice restful start to my holiday). Gatwick itself was also pretty nightmarish - absolutely packed. It´s easy to forget about half-term holiday dates when you don´t have children!

We´ve covered more than 600km over the past few days - with stops at fascinating Mayan ruins (Uxmal and Palenque) and impressive waterfalls (Agua Azul and Misol-Ha) to break the travelling time. The ruins in particular were fantastic - Palenque is my favourite so far. I probably enjoyed it more because I actually went up some of the pyramids this time. My stupid fear of heights got the better of me at Uxmal - considering pyramids feature pretty heavily in this trip it was better to fight my better judgment and go for it. Turns out the climbing isn´t a problem. Pride has so far stopped me from descending on my backside but I´ve been told that Tikal will be steeper...(promise I´ll get a photo).

It´s nice to be in one place for a couple of nights. We managed to have a relaxed night out last night (knowing we wouldn´t need to set off somewhere at 6.30am!) and spent Valentines Day at "Emiliano´s Moustache" - and sank a good number of tequila-based cocktails until the wee hours.

Anyway - I´d best be off. We´re visiting a Mayan village in an hour or so and I´ve finally had enough of the choice of music at this internet cafe (they´re currently playing ´the Eye of the Tiger´)...and the guy in the booth next door has started surfing for porn. Lovely.



Blogger swisslet said...

surfing for porn to "eye of the tiger"?

I bet it's amazing how often that happens.


15/2/06 11:28 pm  

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